Detroit Means Business

As an approved vendor for the Detroit Means Business program we're inredibly excited to collaborate with recipients and help take their businesses to the next level! 

Our dedicated team is ready to partner with you, offering not just services, but a collaborative experience that unleashes the full potential of your business. We offer custom website creation, marketing design and strategic branding services. Whether you're looking to sell online, expand your current platform or find exciting new ways to connect with potential customers we can help! 

If you'd like to talk to us directly feel free to call our Detroit office at 313.799.0341 or reach us through our contact page.

Initial Steps

Working with a technical assistant for the Detroit Means Business grant awardee involves a strategic and collaborative approach to ensure the successful implementation of the grant. Here are the steps to guide you through the process:

  1. What is it that you Need?
    Assess your business's technical needs and areas where a technical assistant can provide support. This could include website development, digital marketing, data analysis, or other technical aspects, depending on the nature of your business.
  2. Do  your Research:
    Look for technical assistants or firms with a proven track record in providing services aligned with your business needs. Consider their experience, expertise, and past client reviews.
  3. Request Proposals:
    Contact the technical assistant and have a list of history, goals, needs and outcomes that you are looking for
  4. Evaluate Proposals:
    Review the Statement of Work (SOW) carefully, considering cost, timeline, deliverables, and the proposed approach. Ensure that the technical assistant understands your unique requirements and those of the Detroit Means Business grant.
  5. Select a Technical Assistant:
    Based on your evaluation, choose a technical assistant who aligns with your business objectives and can effectively utilize the grant to enhance and improve your chances of gaining more business.
  6. Collaborative Planning:
    Work closely with the selected technical assistant to develop a detailed project plan. Clearly define roles, responsibilities, and expectations for both parties.
  7. Regular Check-ins:
    Schedule in advance, regular check-ins to monitor progress, address any challenges, and ensure that the project is on track. This will help maintain open communication and allow for adjustments as needed.
  8. Feedback and Improvement:
    Provide constructive feedback to the technical assistant and use the insights from the collaboration to improve your business operations. This feedback loop is essential for ongoing success.

By following these steps, you can maximize the benefits of the Detroit Means Business grant and leverage the support of a technical assistant to enhance your business's technical capacities.