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Trent Creative


According to Forbes, eight out of ten entrepreneurs fail within their first 18 months. This, however, does not have to be the reality. After hiring my first employee, I quickly realized that I had more to learn. I was asked to join the Entrepreneurs Organization (EO) in my early stages of growth, and it was a tremendous source of support and knowledge.

The premise is that it doesn't matter which industry you are in—to avoid the typical pitfalls, as a business owner, you need to...

Trent Creative

Many entrepreneurs start their businesses by accident

My story is that I was going to be a potter and sell ceramic vessels for a living, and, yes, they have degrees in that, and I did get one. After I announced my ceramic career plans to my father, he said it's always good to have a fallback skill. With his advice in mind, I got a degree in graphic design, which led to a job at an ad agency. I loved it, and I was hooked. Little did I know that it would lead me to starting my own agency.

In 1992, after leaving the agency, I started a freelance design...

Trent Creative

The Flagstar Strand Theatre is a beautifully restored historical theatre in the heart of Pontiac and it was experiencing brand confusion. They needed a clear message to go to market. As with theatres and entertainment venues across the nation, their revenue had all but disappeared during the pandemic. It was a perfect time to rebrand.


The most pressing issue was that their nonprofit work (Encore Performing Arts Center), their commercial entertainment side, the Strand Theatre, and Charlene’s Theater Bar led to market confusion. Communication...

Trent Creative

Trent Creative Principal Marilyn Trent spoke with Mailbutler about brand strategy, integrating the creative and marketing processes with client interactions, and the secrets to success!

Read the original interview here:

Hi Marilyn, nice to meet you! It is a pleasure to have the chance to learn more about you. How did your journey as an entrepreneur and business owner start?...

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